Report on preparations for multi-day sailing trip Chatham and London 2024

A joint multi-day sailing trip in HRC context was already floated as an idea by one of our members. But during the NOVA HR Tour in 2022, during the first anniversary year, this idea became a reality. In the speech by our president Robbert-Jan Poerstamper (HR Nelson), the commitment was made to visit our English […]

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Report New Year’s meeting, ALV and speeddate 14 January 2024

After Lelystad last year, this year ‘s-Hertogenbosch is the place to be for our New Year’s meeting. And because I am helping to build/construct the clubhouse of WSV de Viking, I leave Amersfoort at 11.00 am. On the way, I pass a number of waterways and can clearly see how high the water is and […]

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Meeting preparation for Chatham and London trip 10 March 2024

There will be a meeting at the clubhouse in Bruinisse on 10 March for members planning to take part in the trip to Chatham and London. This meeting can also be followed online. Scenario thinking required During the meeting, Commissioners South and North will explain the intended schedule and the different scenarios for sailing to […]

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Safety at sea lecture by KNRM & Historical context of the raid on Chatham led by admiral De Ruyter 24 maart 2024

On 24 March, there will be a workshop in the society of the Koninklijke Watersportvereniging Loosdrecht (KWVL) at Oud Loosdrechtsedijk 151-153, 1231 LT Loosdrecht from 1.30pm to 5pm in connection with the Voyage to Chatham and London, in the wake of Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. This meeting is open to all members of the Hallberg-Rassy […]

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New Year brainstorming ALV 14 January 2024

The Hallberg-Rassy Connectie New Year Brainstorming ALV and New Year drinks will take place on 14 January 2024 from 14.30 to 18.00. We are welcome this year at the club building Viking of the Watersportvereniging Den Bosch at Ertveldweg 7 in Den Bosch. During the meeting, the installation of the new Commissioner North, Huib Jan […]

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Hallberg-Rassy Connectie Poerstamper Trophy 2023

Dear friends It is a great pleasure for us to have held the Poerstamper Trophy and then, as tradition dictates, to be able to award it again after a year to another member who has made an extreme achievement for the Hallberg-Rassy Connection. For those not yet so well versed: the Poerstamper Trophy is the […]

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HR Amae Sailing to New Zealand

Our Swiss members Philipp and Kristel Reinmann are sailing their HR 352 Amea around the world. They are currently en route from Tonga to Opua in New Zealand. Of their journey, they keep a blog on their website describing their adventures. For enthusiasts (perhaps there are HRC members who would also like to undertake something […]

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Captains Dinner 18 November 2023

Captains Dinner 2023 and General Members Meeting On Saturday 18 November 2023, we will be guests at the fully renovated and atmospheric Sociëteit of the Royal Watersports Association ‘De Kaag’ near Leiden for the traditional Captains Dinner and our General Members’ Meeting! Programme Captains Dinner The reception at the Society starts from 17:00, immediately after […]

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Hallberg-Rassy 46, Op Stok3, wins a cup in the 2023 Tall Ships Races from Lerwick (Shetlands) to Arendal (Norway)

The Tall Ships Races 2023 will be sailed by 40 ships: cross rigged- , gaff rigged- and demolition rigged ships can participate. On Stok3 is demolition rigged and sails under the flag of Sail Training Association Belgium. 25/072023 Lerwick, is capital of the Shetland Islands and despite a small population of 7500 souls, it seems […]

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